Thursday, October 9, 2008

Important things learned in BAMS ch. 6

The most important things that were helpful to me in this chapter were the techniques for dealing with thoughts connected to test anxiety. I don't think I have that much anxiety during a week that I have a test, but the techniques described were still helpful. The best technique for me was the "visualize success" technique. I can always see myself failing at something, and the chapter said that visualizing failure will most likely lead to it. So the idea of "rehearsing" what it would be like to succeed is probably a good idea for me to use. Another thing in this chapter that was helpful to me, was the study checklist idea. I never thought of making a checklist of things that I need to study and memorize, I just always do it. I liked the analogy that was used in the text, comparing a study checklist to a flight checklist, and that once you take off, it's too late to go back, and once you start an exam, it's too late to memorize a definition or a formula. This idea will help me to think of studying, as making sure a plane is ready for flight. It will help me to realize that I have to memorize and get everything "down" before the test.

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